Wednesday, May 23, 2018
So. Jones went to Training and is now squiring a college girl around at Novice. Revi went Intermediate and has since taken 3 other riders Prelim, and one newbie Training. And I am shoeing full time, don't really teach much anymore, and struggle to find time to ride Gracie, Vanna's 8 yo daughter, Revi's half sister, who is about to move up to Training. She is by Formula One and is seriously niiiiiice.
More later....
Monday, October 31, 2011
Jones moves up to Novice, Revi returns to recognized competition, etc....
Revi is back in the recognized events now that the season is well under way, placing 6th at the Ark in Open Prelim and 4th at VA in the Preliminary Horse division. Dressage needs work still, but cross-country is a blast! I am developing confidence in her brakes, so the next event we'll be going full speed. The Micklem Bridle with the Happy Mouth mullen snaffle is just the ticket for Ms. Sensitive.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Lucy, Lucy, Lucy....

So Bolivia's filly is a trip. She had more attitude than any foal I have ever met....

But, at about three weeks, she started shedding her foal coat, and got ITCHY. Major attitude change.....

I wish there was a FEH for weanlings because she is FANCY.....! Yumm. Can't wait until she is old enough to show!
Skipped the AECs.... just couldn't justify the time, expense, etc. when I've got so much else going on. But we're signed up for a dressage show (wait listed, but hopeful!) at 2nd level this weekend, and then Jones is going to CHP, Revi will run at the Ark, and then I'll be deciding where Jones will move up to Novice....woot!

He jumped a bunch of Novice xc fences winning the YEH at the Ark in August (with an 81!) and I think he's ready.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I'm Melting.....
I have ridden her a few times in the new Micklem bridle, which she seems to like.... we did a combined test at Rivendale and she was really good aside from spooking slightly at some birds in the covered ring during the dressage test. She jumped very nicely around in stadium and finished 2nd. She's doing very well in the year end points at this point! Time to start getting her back to work to prep for the fall season....
Seattle Jones went to another horse trial at the Carolina Horse Park and jumped around beginner novice, winning on his dressage score + one rail (barely tapped that sucker!) He is doing fabulously and so far this season has three mares in foal on first cycle, waiting on an u/s on the fourth!
Bolivia, my semi-retired Intermediate horse, had her Formula One foal early Saturday morning, about three weeks early. A very refined filly--looks like she will have Livi's gazelle-like build but shorter-coupled, and she is a handful already!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
I am a HORRIBLE blogger!!
Revi spent some time recovering from a bruised heel, and skipped the VAHT... she seems to be back on track now. We did a combined test at TTC last weekend, and that went well. Revi warmed up decently and turned in an obedient-but-not-amazing dressage test.... we were going without a flash and with the noseband loose as an experiment, and she DID seem to appreciate it. There was only one other horse in the class.... a big flashy warmblood with the requisite score! Oh well!
So we hopped over a couple of fences in the warmup. Revi felt good so we hung out, watched thh big flashy warmblood stop at the last fence in the triple--garnering 4 jump penalties and 23 time--went in, jumped around decently with one rail and minimal 'discussion' about speed and way of going from Ms. Opinionated, and won the class. Gotta say it was a big course and laid out kind of strangely, and I was grateful for Revi's "I don't care how big it is or what it looks like, I'm JUMPING!" attitude. I'll work on the dressage!
Speaking of which they had Micklem bridles on sale in the tack store on-site for $93, and there was a 30% discount for competitors. In light of my noseband-loosening experiment I had actually been thinking about trying one on Revi, so I picked one up. So far she is going well in it, but it is a trifle big so I've ordered the next size down. Madison tried the one I have on her horse Lee, who went great in it so she's bought it from me. Everyone wins!
Young stallion Seattle Jones is a ROCK STAR! He did the BN combined test, winning the dressage by 7 points and staying on his dressage score with a lovely relaxed jumping round. He did squeal at some horses in a field near the warmup while I was opening a gate from horseback (to get to the lower part of the xc when we were schooling afterwards), but oh well. He didn't move, just squealed and stomped one foot! He schooled xc great, jumped a pretty big and deep ditch, up and down banks, and cruised through the water. He even jumped in and out of the water over a bank with no problem, on the first try. We are so excited about him!
This weekend we had an equine massage therapist come to the barn. No, my horses aren't spoiled! As I suspected it was confirmed that Revi's issues are pretty much all tension and discomfort in her jaw and poll, a little bit in her neck. So the Micklem bridle will hopefully help with that. Jones really enjoyed his massage therapy session and in typical Jones fashion was very 'engaged' with the therapist throughout the process, just like he is in training sessions. "What are we doing and how can I help make it better?" is his attitude. His primary trouble area was tension/restriction in his left front, due to his grazing posture.
Madison did her first BN combined test at TTC, and finished in 2nd on her dressage score with Devil's Advocate (Lee), so she is real excited to go their first BN HT at Foxtrack next weekend! We have had several new students join the barn in the last month, including a new boarder who is very keen to start seriously eventing. So we are getting pretty busy, which is great! Lots of projects going on at the barn, things getting done..... which is why I haven't been posting much I guess! But I will try really hard to post again soon....!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Getting toward the end of the spring season.....
Vanity's Revenge finished 2nd at the Ark at Preliminary and is heading next to the Preliminary 3-Day in VA. Dressage is improving, we were just .4 behind a horse who has been getting low 30s all season!! Showjumping was mannerly, and cross-country we put on some speed and she flew over everything without the slightest hesitation....!
On Sunday we took Gracie, aka Vanity One, for her first show at the Ark's Future Event Horse competition. Jones went too, to compete in the Young Event Horse for the first time. Gracie was EXTREMELY good.... she whinnied a bit, but didn't act silly at all. She stood up for the judge, walked and trotted, and won the yearling class and Reserve Champion Future Event Horse out of nine competitors!! Including some very fancily-bred babies! She got a _9_ on her walk! And an 8 on correctness. She acquired a few fans amongst the spectators, too, with her personality!
Jones totally wowed me with his obedience in the dressage--I was really able to ride him through and show off his gaits and temperament, garnering eights on his walk and submission/willingness. He won the dressage section by 2 points! Then we jumped, and although he is still not terribly experienced he scored well for his willingness, responsiveness, technique and scope. He went readily into the water and barely hesitated before the drop and the ditch, which had already caused much consternation among the other young horses. And we got to GALLOP, which was pretty fun! So I was feeling pretty good as they started reading back the results.... though we might do okay for an Off Track TB. We weren't sixth. Then we weren't fifth or fourth. I was pleased! Then we weren't third, either. There was a REALLY nice grey mare, so I thought "Cool, we got 2nd!" But the grey mare was 2nd! Which left 1st for Jones! And then he was Reserve Champion YEH, just a hair behind the 1st placed 5yo Young Event Horse!
So we got a bunch of ribbons and a couple swank championship halters from Nunn Finer, and Revi won some lovely Nunn Finer boots! All in all an excellent weekend and I am really excited about having such nice horses of my own to ride! Have to say I am retooling my business plan a bit to give myself more time (and money) to do so, too..... More horse shoeing work and scaling down the lesson program.... selling surplus horses.... etc! I've picked up quite a few shoeing customers in the last couple of months, and things look good for further expansion.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Heavenly Horse and the Law of Fences
So if you've ever read The Heavenly Horse From The Outermost West (kind of a horsey Watership Downs) the horses in the book talk about The Law of Fences, where horses have an agreement with Man to obey fences as part of their "bargain" for shelter and food, etc. Well apparently Jones read the book or at least subscribes to the philosophy! LOL. Cantering up to the first fence, which was in the pasture fenceline, he said "What??" and stopped. We circled and I gave him a tap with the whip and he jumped it, but I could tell he thought I was NUTS! The next, oh, ten fences were great.... then we cleared a big table, galloped up the hill toward the second fenceline with jumps in it, and he started slowing down and giving me dubious ear-flicks. REALLY? A little kick and he hopped right over, down the hill to another fenceline, he just hesitated for the barest second there and went without needing additional encouragement. Galloped to the finish very happy and hopefully a better understanding of Legal Fence Jumping!!
Showjumping was a cinch, nice colorful course with turns and bending lines. He listened very well and handled it all no problem. Finished in 7th. He got a lot of attention for his good behavior as a young stallion, too.
Huggy, the medium pony I've been riding for four months, went and did his first horse trial also in the "Moving Up" division (his mum has no faith whatsoever, right Pam?). He is a little herd-bound and was NOT happy to be down in the dressage ring with no other horses in sight (it is in an isolated corner over a hill from the warmups), but he managed to pull off a 3-way tie for first. He jumped clean on cross-country, cantered quite a bit and nicely under control, and we trotted the last couple fences to avoid time penalties (275mpm is NOT very fast!) In stadium he was a little distracted and knocked the first fence, finishing in second overall.
Madison and her new horse, Lee, had a decent first show. He got spooked by a golf cart running right up behind him and was a bit tense in dressage, and as he was circling the start box for cross-country, the horse before him went flying across the course with its saddle under its tummy! So he was a little hyper! But he jumped around clean for cross-country and stadium and finished ninth out of 19. So, ribbons all around!
All's well at the barn.... new boarder coming in a couple weeks, a playmate for Gracie! Breedings starting to roll in for Jones as well, Vanna is at the vet's hopefully getting bred to Future Illusion (BSH eventing stallion by Fleetwater Opposition, the sire of Summersong, Opposition Buzz, etc), new training horse Sassy (Dutch cross 4yo) is w/t/c and trotting ground rails after less than four weeks work....